Sunday, August 5, 2012

10 Things that Scream "I am a Parent of a Small Child!"


  I was hanging out with my kiddos the other day, and I thought to myself, "These crazy times are flying by so fast." Although it seemed that my wife and I were on a perpetual cotton-candy carousal where the music always seems a little too loud and just a little too wacky, and where the collection of horses, hippos, dragons, and zebras never cease from going up, down, up, down, it was bittersweet because I knew that this time would never be as long as I would like it to be. Still I hope the following makes you laugh a little, here goes: 

10 Things that Scream "I am a Parent of a Small Child!"

  1. The toothpaste cap lasts about a week before becoming permanently “lost”
  2. Your daily shower routine involves some type of action figure, Disney character or Barbie doll staring back up at you
  3. You always put on your shoes twice- the second time is after you shake out the loose marbles, barrettes, toys or coins you find in them the first time
  4. If your normal “cruising” songs on the radio on the way to the mall have anything to with barnyard animals, monkeys or other zoo animals, and some sort of exercise like clapping your hands, turning around, or jumping
  5. If you find that it is perfectly normal to watch children’s programming in the evening
  6. If you know what “being the horsie” means
  7. If your cupboards are stocked with a surplus of sippy cups, silly straws, and various restaurants “kids menu” glasses
  8. If you can not remember the last “Big Person” movie you watched in the theater
  9. Each morning your feet are greeted by various pens, pencils, crayons, legos or Hot Wheels
  10.  All you really crave is to have one adult meal, at a grown- up restaurant sometime before they turn into teenagers!
 Enjoy this time my friends! It won’t last for long!  Life will become much more serious and much faster than you want it to, and these comedic times, where your house looks more like the staging area of a clown’s closet than a home, will grow quiet once more, and I know you will wish you could have this time back again; a time when they are still small, you can still hold them in your arms, and they still look up at you like you are their whole entire world.  Well guess what, you are! Hug them now, kiss them now, and let them squeeze your neck, mess up your office, wear your shoes, create disasters in the kitchen, and dig up your yard while they still have the chance. I promise that these days will be some of the best ones of your life.  Now, isn’t it great to not have a toothpaste cap?

-Live Inspired, Lou 

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