Sunday, January 27, 2013

Swing Batter Swing!

The day was August, 3rd, 1972. A Dominican boy by the name of Paul had just struck out on a miserable day; the mosquitoes were thicker than a fog, the sun sweltering.  His team had been trounced 17 times in a row, and today, Paul swung out for the very last time. He decided as he heard the smug almost sarcastic smack in the catchers glove from a ball that was “just inside” that this would be his last stand at the plate.  He was done.  Nothing before this season started, nothing during and for sure nothing now could be deemed as any good.  The summer started out fast and hot, the constant fights between his parents culminated in a crazy nightmare. The slamming of two doors; the front one to his home and the one of his mom’s car as she sped away. She might have thought that she was just speeding away from her problems but Paul wondered if she considered that she was speeding away from him, his one and only mamma. 

With only his feet to keep him going, Paul trudged to the nearby block wall, threw his gloves and hat over it, leaned back and closed his eyes.
            “Hey kid.”
Paul quickly opened his eyes, shocked that someone had spied out his moment he thought of as private.
            “Hey kid. Why you feeling so bummed out, just a strike out. Even the Babe had almost 1,900 strike outs in his career. Funny thing is that no one remembers those because he kept swinging.”

Keep swinging.  Life is so terrifically hard these days isn’t it? Today, I just want to affirm what everyone else is thinking.  Life is a challenge.  What do we do with that? 

In the story above, Paul decides to keep swinging.  He ends up becoming a professional baseball player, and ends up breaking the homerun record of 1999. Paul decided to keep swinging, did you?

In this world, we can only do one of two things, be a member of the audience, eating hot dogs, drinking in all the sights and sounds and watching the action happen before us or we can be a participant; actually suit up, and say proudly, “I want to be a part of this.”  
I have to tell you, that is the most exciting part of the game. When you decide to actually step up the batters box, and swing!  

We will always have moments when we go down, but the greatest parts of life are when we have realized that we went down swinging, there is no shame, and we can confidently say we did our best!

This is our one chance to go for it; I am going to tell you now, don’t waste it.  Just think of this, Would you rather be…

…someone who watches the action from a seat in the stands? Sure that is safe, but what part do you play in it?

Or do you want to be a part of the action, swing and hit, or swing and strike out, but for God sakes, swing!  Every time you choose to swing, you will learn something; whether you strike the ball for a grand slam, or you completely miss it… the fulfillment is that we swung! Sometimes, we’re just not meant to hit it.  

So today, swing, you never know… Enjoy your week!


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