Sunday, February 3, 2013

Superbowl- the “mini” Thanksgiving or, just Cobwebs Needing a Broom

As I reach out to my keyboard this evening, I try to fight the discomfort I am currently feeling from having too much food and drink in my belly. I am reminded of the last time I ate so much. It was about 3 months earlier and the feast of that particular day was called Thanksgiving.  Today’s Superbowl outlay was not only considerable, but also eclectic in every way.  To begin my day, I snacked on a Superbowl breakfast of eggs, blueberry pancakes, and something covered in salsa. I topped off that with a cup of steaming Joe. By lunchtime I had devoured a few brownies and had moved on to the more serious food… Peanut butter and blackberry jelly wedges with cinnamon apple tea. Finally, just as the lights were restored in the Superdome, I was beginning my final approach on stuffed red bell peppers with steak and rice and avocado wedges. I won’t mention all the other drinks I had; from the many glasses of water, to the ones with a little sugar, a lot of sugar and everything in between.  Currently I am wondering why my brain can not just say “no.” The Spirit is willing, but the flesh and definitely my desire for delicious food, is weak!   

With that thought in mind, here is what I am “Super” thankful for: the pending end to the cold days and nights and the beautiful springtime that is just around the corner.  Already I can see the telltale signs of what are to come; my lawns are beginning to green up just a little, the roses are in full bloom, and my car is a little warmer on the inside when I go to start it.  Already the increased urge to shoot down to the local Home Depot or nursery is hard to bear and I know I will find myself soon browsing aisle after aisle of Bougainvilleas, Hibiscus, and fertilizers to keep my gardens at their finest peak condition. Nonetheless one question does come to mind:

               “What will I finally clean up when I do my Spring Cleaning?”   

That question for me has everything to do with the physical as well as the emotional, financial, and mental.  There are no doubt cobwebs in my life that have amassed from my winter slumber; ones that will need a good cleaning and “opening of the windows” so to speak. The Spring Cleaning for me will be when I rekindle friendships from abroad; whether it is soaking up a spring training baseball game here in Az, or a quick weekend road trip to Disneyland with old friends (both on my list). It will be a time where I make plans for my summer, and where I will also plan to get caught up on my finances and set goals and expectations I want to see before the year is out. See, when I clean in this way, I know I have progressed areas of my life that were in great need of attention.    

Here is this week’s challenge; If you were to think about the “Spring Cleaning” you had to do, what is it that you would like to see happen?  Is it a diet that is long overdue?  Maybe you have the pressing need to finally pay off a debt or two that has haunted you for way too long, or maybe your spring chores are much like mine; your wish is to reconnect with somebody that you have missed for longer then you would like to admit. 

One thing I have learned with each sequential Spring Cleaning I have done; sometimes it is ok to close the books on something you hoped would come to pass, but never really took flight the way you thought it would.  That for me has been business ventures, relationships with great people I just lost touch with, or even trips to other places I will just have to wait a little longer for. Whatever it is, it’s ok, it was just not meant to be.   In the long run, I have been very blessed to have a few of those business ventures really take off and I was glad that I didn’t invest funds or time into companies or unnecessary vacations that would have only delayed where I am right now.  Be confident, it is ok to say “no”, and it is ok to go after those things which you really believe are meant for you!   

I wish you the best this spring, as you go after your personal cobwebs and freshen up your house!!  Make it great! 


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