Friday, June 7, 2013

Warriors Session 2- Growing the Leader within...

Anyone can say no… once, twice, maybe three times, but how many of us can develop a strong and consistent pattern of accurately deciphering what  are the right and wrong decisions for our lives? We have seen the very best of leaders fall and seen others perceived by most as weak; prevail over monumental obstacles in their life. What is the difference? You will find the answer in Endurance, and Will-power.

Wednesday night, the Warriors-in-Training learned that Endurance is an earned discipline, allowing you to stay the course, while Will-Power is what gives you the innate ability to make tough decisions.

The take away is simply that we must focus now on building endurance; we can not wait until later because later is too late. Our endurance is fortified with a band of brothers invested in ensuring we get to where it is we say we want to go, Warriors!

Regarding Will-Power, we must all ask ourselves if we have it within ourselves to turn away from the seemingly great things that wish to distract, destroy and take us off the course we have set for ourselves. More importantly, do we have the courage to have enough will-power to grab unto the goals we truly desire and dig in tooth and nail, never letting anyone vanquish our dreams? The enemy of the right thing is all too often usually disguised as a seemingly good thing.

A Warrior knows that it does not matter that which disguises itself as good; what matters is knowing what is authentically and unequivocally right.  The action produced from this knowledge is where Will-power is harnessed and grown.  Endurance is the result of making that right decision over and over again.  

Do you have Will-Power?  Can you harness that into Endurance?


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