Thursday, January 5, 2012

Climbing the Corporate Ladder, Clay Aiken Doubles as Horror Movie Doll, and Check your Daddy’s Ears

Only a week into the New Year and already we are back at it, running the perpetual rat race, striving to climb the ladder to success. One would think that because of all the fancy gadgets we have, we may have invented a different way by now to climb the corporate ladder.  

You could of course, try the Water Propelled Jet Pack. A ride to the top will cost you about $100 an hour or you can buy one new for only $10,000. 

Of course if you are afraid of heights, you can
take a Bugatti Veyron Super Sports car. The car that tops out at an unbelievable 270 mph, is available for only $2,400,000. that right two million, four hundred thousand dollars.

Or lastly, you can try the world’s most strangest type of transportation, the Magic Wheel, very easy to understand; no seat, one big wheel, one small wheel and no brakes. The skateboard, uni-cycle hybrid (hybrids are hot right now) is available only in Hungary and in Switzerland much to your disappointment I am sure... looks like that could be a little painful.

Clay Aiken is the latest American Idol crooner to be featured on Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice.  New photos made me do a double take.  Is it just me or with the new plastic surgery, does he look a little like Chucky? You decide. 
Since we are on the subject of Celebrity Doppelgangers, thought I would throw a couple more at you:

Russell Brand and Beetlejuice. 
You have to admit that there is a slight resemblance. I will admit that Beetlejuice has the better razor, but after all he does have a few more years of shaving experience doesn’t he?

                  Lady Gaga and Brahm Stoker’s Dracula. 

Now this photo just cracks me up.  How did the famous Undead One be able to look so far into the future and copy his favorite singers hairdo.  Remarkable. 

Finally, I want to end on the ever so important subject of ear hair. What used to be a monthly plucking has now become a weekly ritual for me of looking for, and asking other people to look for of all things, stubborn ear hair that keeps popping up like stalks of corn every time I see myself in the mirror. I used to see men like that and wonder to myself, "What in the world is going on inside their ear?"  I am now sad to report, one of those guys.  In doing some heavy research on this subject, it turns out that genes for this trait are passed from generation to generation, just like family rings and recipes only in this case, its ear hair!  Let me take this opportunity to say a heartfelt, "Thanks Dad!" 

I hope I made you smile today, Cheers!

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