Monday, January 16, 2012

Password Soup, and Playoffs vs. the Apple

If you’re anything like me, with any connection to the electronic age either through your workplace or at home, then you are a person of many resources.   What that really means is that you probably have and maintain a ton of electronic accounts and passwords to go with every single one of them just like me like email, work related web sites, bank accounts, You Tube, and don’t forget about the ever overbearing Facebook account (you know it’s true, they kind of play the electronic big daddy, deciding what’s best for us and specifically dictating just how we connect on the social web).  If you are like me, it all can be a lot like password soup.  They all become a huge mental ball of letters, exclamation marks, under scores and asterisks, waiting to be sifted out the next time you log in.   Just the other day, I kept entering what I believed was my password for a work related site, only to remember (on the fifth try) that it was actually my email password.  Of course by then, it was too late to try again because I had gone over the limit of attempts, and now had to change my password to an all together different one, hopefully counting on the fact that next time, I could keep all of these passwords floating around in my brain in such a way that when needed, I would miraculously remember which password went where on my first attempt, and whola! Perfect.  Of course, you and I know that never happens.  God forbid we go over three attempts, for if we do, you and I are stuck trying to come up with a new one (is “Thispasswordthingsucks!9277” taken?). Long gone are the days where one password fits all.  These days, even my Craigslist account password requirements have gotten a little out of control (please use one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one number, a special character, and at least eight letters but no more than twenty-five letters) all this to simply post a free worn out mattress?  Oy vey!

Religion and the Apple
There is a religious debate going on around the nation right now and no, I am not talking about Mitt Romney and Mormonism (remember, thankfully I don’t get into politics).  I am talking of course about what the rest of the world just can’t leave alone; Tim Tebow and the fact that so many people have ostracized him for his devout and often overly public display of his faith in Jesus. What I wonder about is how people can actually think that because the Denver Broncos lost on Saturday, that Jesus optioned out of helping Tebow on that night, and therefore God must have wanted Tebow and the Broncos to lose.  I can’t really imagine that normal thinking adults do in fact think this way, could they? Of course you and I don’t think that way, of course not.  Just as much as we also really don’t believe that walking under a ladder or in front of a black cat really brings bad luck.  Let’s go way out on a limb for a second,  apart from the mob mentality and try this much less used opinion of Tebow; could it simply be a case of him merely being excited about having a personal relationship with God, grateful for the paycheck that comes with playing in the NFL, and couple that with the fact that he sincerely wants to be a public ambassador for his faith? Stranger things have happened right?  What is the difference between Tebow’s personal and (due to a heavy presence of television cameras) often publicly caught display of prayer and any other commercial we see on tv?  I mean we wouldn’t go as far as to boldly claim that those commercials are insisting we convert to their products would we? Again of course not.  To say that Tim Tebow is “pushing” his faith on us is like saying that Apple is “pushing” their high end (and non sharing) gadgets on us (oh wait a minute, they do do that).  Isn’t it our choice whether we become inspired by a young man that by all rights, should have never been born (The doctor at the time suggested strongly that Tim Tebow be aborted to save the life of his mother due to a foreign bacteria in her system), only to have his brave and courageous mother take a risk of dying during labor and delivery just to have him?  If anything, I think Tim Tebow has a healthy awareness of how close he came to not even existing and now he is living life to the fullest, thankful to a God that he truly believes in, which because he calls the United States home has a right to do so.  Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t many of our men die overseas fighting for the right that Tim Tebow practices? I am thinking yes.  Far too many men never came home simply to ensure that we had freedom, and that freedom includes what many people have deemed as Tebow’s overtly religious antics, and yes, in spite of all the pomp and circumstance, we still all have the right to appreciate Tim for his genuine belief’s but still say no.. (Did you hear that Apple? I said no!)  Freedom y’all, with liberty and justice for all (That kind of includes Tim Tebow too)You have an awesome day, see you on the other side, Cheers!

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