Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Cost of “Free”

I have had the privilege and the pleasure over the last few weeks to watch the New Year unravel slowly from the comfort of my leather chair in my office, in a somewhat successful attempt to get my works ready for publishing.  During this time, there are many things I think about, one of those which I want to share with you today.  It dawned on me one particular morning as I was sucking down the last part of a cup of coffee so strong it could have walked by itself out of my cup, that for the first time in almost 10 years, I had actually taken more than 1 week off consecutively. Many of my days away were “mini” vacations; weekend getaways where I hoped to slough away the work related stress, and recuperate my worn out mind in 48 hours or less! That got me to thinking about the amount of people that I have run into both past and present, that have told me that given the chance, they too would want to be “free.” 

The Race for “Freedom”
In almost 40 years of being on this planet, I have seen it all; there are the salesmen “freedom pioneers”, who with a gleam in their eye, chase each network marketing idea they run into, thinking that this is going to be the “real deal” if only they are willing to sacrifice time and stay committed for at least a couple of years.  Much to my chagrin, a few (read a few) have actually made it, and for them I am genuinely excited.  What strikes me as strange regarding these pioneers is that many of them maintain busier schedules than mine; with the numerous meetings, appointments, rally’s, and weekend conferences they attend, I tend to wonder, “Is that freedom?” Their lofty goal is to not have to go to work everyday, spend more time with their family, and make a ton of residual (meaning “not right now”) money to boot. Yet because of a demanding schedule, network marketers tend to put in more hours than a full time job.  
I think of your average John and Jane Doe; the people out there that work hard for a living, enjoy an occasional vacation with the family, but  always have this gi-normous, pie in the sky idea and dream of being “free.”  What does that mean to them? For some it is the hope that they will cash in on the famed lottery, for others it’s having the ability to retire, and yet for others, it’s the chance to live off their investments and pay off their debt.  Whatever the case may be for you, we can all agree we want freedom on the sooner side, rather than later while we are still able to enjoy it. 

Freedom Now?
I am now back to work, finally getting back to the normal hum drum of life, but I did learn one thing in that office chair and I want to pass that on to you: you can have freedom now.  That’s right! You can have freedom right now, and the application of that is simpler than you think.  All you have to do is wake up with the mindset that you will enjoy what you have today, rather than placing your happiness in a perceived and possibly never to be, joy that may or may not come later.  See, while it’s great to have dreams of being the next network marketing superstar, or retiring (and your age doesn’t limit you from the activities you had hoped to enjoy), or even cashing out on a windfall from the lottery, there are no guarantees with any of those. Here is your 1 guarantee.  If you are reading this, it means you are alive right now, and that means you have what it takes to go out and enjoy the world around you today
Smell a flower, kiss your sweetie, go for a drive, and experience something today. I’ll leave you with this, it was a statement put up in a California bathroom, and I still have it on my phone today, the message is simple:

“The person who wants to do something finds a way; the person who doesn’t finds an excuse.”  

 Don’t let those lofty dreams of “Hopefully Tomorrow” step in the way of your “Absolutely Today”. 

Enjoy the rest of your week, Cheers!


BTW- here's a link to a powerful video that might help put things in perspective in regards to enjoying those freedoms (read blessings) today.

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