Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Quandary of Balancing it All

Balance… It means more that just what gymnast’s do on a beam, or what we do with an overloaded plate at a party. Balance; when you have a full plate you know it.  There are folks like me that are balancing a business, writing, and also full-time parenting. If you are like me, one who desires and earnestly looks for ways to get further in your careers, how do you do it? Getting ahead, or doing that which you feel you are called to really does take an ever increasing amount of effort, and in most cases, effort equals more time.

If you are a parent, you already know that the minute you get home, it is go, go, go.  Crazy things become normal, like waking up at 3 am to a smelly house and realizing your 1 year old boy is extremely healthy, and diaper less. Realizing that although it is the middle of the night, if you don’t clean up now, Good Lord knows when your house will return to “normal smell” mode. Being a parent means that your home office actually doubles as the kids office when you’re not there and little surprises like having all your important papers stapled 56 times is completely normal.  I am a Businessman, Writer, Janitor, and Butler to 2 amazing kids! Learning how to balance all that, and still find an opportunity to retreat to my office that is mostly quiet (if I close and lock the door) in order to write is almost impossible.  Now you see why I feel like Indiana Jones every day.  My expedition however, is to become proficient at getting into a writing “rhythm” faster and to take out all those staples out of my most important papers! The lingering question for me, for all of us parents is how do we manage the time we spend with our kids in such a way that we do not miss out on the most beautiful moments of them growing up? I understand that we want to grow our business, but it is my hope that it does not come at the expense of our children. 

 A real quick update regarding my book, Devotion in a Decadent Age;  

I will be teaching a great class, “How to Live your Life on Purpose” At New Life Community Church in Peoria, Arizona on Wednesday, March 6th at 7p.m.  (8155 W Thunderbird Road, Peoria, AZ) 
This will be the first time my book is available and stock is limited to only 30 “Sneak-Peek” copies! For all who attend that night, the special price is only $10 bucks!  Come early to get a good seat, get a signed book, and learn how to incorporate sustainable purpose and intention in your life!

The book tour will be kicking off sooner than expected, so if you would like me to speak at your church or do an event book signing, please contact me as soon as possible, or email and put “booking” in the message line!  

Marketing will begin happening and I will continue to give you updates as they come in!

Finally, I can not say enough of a huge THANK YOU to all of those who supported this project and who stuck with me as it slowly but surely lifted off the ground! A lot of people are asking me what next, and I will tell you, I am currently working on my 2nd book, “Becoming the Warrior” that I hope is as well-received as this first seems to be. Thanks again, and see you at the top! Have an inspiring day!  


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