Sunday, March 3, 2013

Finding a Way to Win

UPDATE: Great News! “Devotion in a Decadent Age” is going into “pre-release” soon! Those who are planning on attending “Louis at New Life” on Wednesday night will have an opportunity to get a great deal on the “sneak-peek” copies (limited 30 copies available)  Join me at 7p.m. on Wednesday night, at New Life Community Church in Peoria, Arizona! I will share with you 2 take-away tools that will help you visualize purpose in your life!

As you know, my book which is being published is based on living a purposeful and intentional life. Purpose could also be called moving in a specific direction that you feel you are being called to move to.  I was being interviewed the other day in regards to the book, and I was asked this question, “What does it take to fulfill your dreams of being an author, a pro athlete, someone who knows what they want to do, and goes out and gets it?”  My reply was simple. “You need to act.”

Far too many of us dream the dream, but unfortunately that is all we do. We keep our dreams in a bottle thinking that one day, we will uncork them, and they will take flight like a powerful Monarch butterfly spreading her wings, and we will become a successful overnight sensation. I hate to be the one to burst those bubbles, but that never happens.  There are successful people out there that seem to have sprang to the top out of nowhere, but you can be sure of this; while no one knew who they were, those “overnight superstars” were busy doing the things they needed to do to make it happen. Their seemingly “sudden” success is simply a product of all the hard work they did to get noticed.

Much is the same in regards to this book. Just about a year ago, I made the conscious choice to submit my book for publishing consideration; truth be told however, many of those pieces were first written back in 2009, almost 4 years ago, and sat dormant, until I decided (at the urging of no one else) that those lessons were just too valuable to sit on my flash drive and never be read. 

In regards to my boxing career, I chose to fight; and when you are getting paid to do it, just know that the guy across the ring wants to kill you. There is no choice but to survive, and I decided to do not only that, but thrive in a competitive sport that required every ounce of skill, both mental and physical to be put on the line every time the bell rang.

I chose to win, and now I am asking every single one of you to choose to do that today. The race is not so much against others, it is against yourself. Are you being the best “you” you can be? It is time to uncork that bottle you have been saving and unleash your dreams unto the world.

The cost of you not doing it is nothing. But in the end, you will have to swallow the fact that as you get ready to pass from this life into the next, you will look across the room and see your dreams still bottled up sitting on the shelf, untouched.

Deciding to chase after your dreams requires one thing, courage. With courage, you can fail and smile, you can fall and laugh, but you can also win and raise your fist in victory! Choose to win, and choose to uncork what you have been saving, and become the fearless leader, and dream-catcher you know you are deep down inside. I’ll see you at the top!  


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