Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Facebook Etiquette part Deux!

What to do With Those Crazy Pics that YOU are Itching to Post 

Pics, Pics, and more Pics.  If you have a profile on Facebook like myself, you know that when it comes to pics, there are all kinds of craziness out there!  I have seen drunk pics, naked pics, family pics, baby pics, sports pics, fight pics, hunting pics, and frankly, some of the stuff scares me.  I am going to keep it short today, and just give you the rundown on all things pics, and the 411 on the good, the bad, and the ugly, oh and the naked.

Scariest pics I have ever seen.  Probably the scariest thing I have seen are the parents that have posted pics of their kids in some state of nakedness. Seriously?  I have been subjected to everything from bath time pics to “Isn’t she a little young for that?” pics.  Let me just give those “proud” parents some advice on the dangers of posting publicly viewable photos of your naked children… STOP!  In this day and age of Creepers, privacy is ok these days, trust me on this.

Funniest pics I have ever seen. Drunk, drunk, and more drunk… when it comes to drinking, why is that someone always has to whip out their fancy phone and start snapping away? Why? It cracks me up anytime I am in a bar, or a restaurant, and I see a rowdy group knocking out photos like the drunkarazzi!  If you happen to get your fabulous mug taken during one of these liquid escapades, make sure your friends know not to post it, or at the very least, tag you in it!  People get fired for this people!

(Almost) Naked pics.  I had to post a special set of sentences for you gallivanting and aspiring models out there. There is no denying that in today’s world, we are all a people that sees way more flesh than we used to.  No matter where we go, we are bombarded by scantily clad boobs, butts, and well, you know… whether it is the line at the supermarket, TV, or movies.  What strikes me as so funny is that, and this is especially for the ladies, that when some random guy makes a comment about some ladies “stuff” when she has that as her profile pic, she has the audacity to feel offended. Ladies? Please, if you have the Conejos to post a almost naked pic and then use that as your profile, don’t be mad when some dude acknowledges and makes a comment about your said nakedness.  What I would like to know is what response did you think that pic would elicit?  “Hmm, she has great eyes, and I just love those shoes if wasn’t for those boobs that were all in the way!”

Enough with the madness, enjoy your week my people! Until next time, catch you on the flipside! 

Best Haircut EVER! :0)
Oh and BTW? If THIS is the best pic you can find of yourself, leave it blank would you? 



  1. Hey Cuz,

    Really enjoyed reading your sober thoughts so far. Keep up the good job.

    Your Cuz,


  2. Thanks man! It's been a blast! Stay tuned! More wackiness to follow!
