Friday, September 9, 2011

Who Wants Some Ice Cream?

Just a real quick Friday Slam for you guys to get your weekend started the right way!   

Ben and Jerry has come out with a most amazing limited edition ice cream flavor called,  “Shweddy Balls.”  Ha ha ha… Hilarious!  The flavor, which mixes vanilla and rum-flavored ice cream with fudge-covered rum balls and chocolate malt balls, will be available through the end of the year. Now let me say this, “Who doesn’t like ice cream?”   

For those of you guys that are saying “huh?” You must be too young to remember back when Saturday Night Live was over the top hilarious.  This is a show where guys like Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, and David Spade got their start. SNL in the 90’s was solid gold.  All I know, is it looks and sounds delicious, but I might get a few weird looks if I try eating some Schweddy Balls in public.  Youtube it, it's hilarious!  Go get yourself some Schweddy Balls Ice cream, as their slogan puts it, “You won’t be able to resist our Schweddy Balls!”

In Infomercial news:   

If any of you have been like me, night owls, channel surfing and trying to get past all the 30 minute infomercials to see some quality late night programs, then you may have seen this already, if not, you should!  Introducing the all new Poo Trap!  What is it you might ask?  A handy dandy harness that installs a plastic bag right on your best friend’s rear, to catch that annoying poo before it hits the ground!  I am serious! One word?  Disgusting.  Second word? Hilarious!  See it for yourself and get one for your 4 legged friend today! 

As a side note: I am just kidding about the Poo trap, if you are too lazy to pick up after your dog, try getting a fish. 

That’s it for Today! Until Next Time my pretties, enjoy the Inaugural NFL Kickoff weekend, tailgate anyone? 


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