Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Follow the Leader

It is fall, and we are in the midst of preparing our minds for the holiday season that is quickly approaching like a large lady at an open buffet. 

This morning, while I sip on my coffee and contemplate all things contemplatable, (yes, it is a word, sort of) my mind wanders to the impending holiday social interaction of male and female species, and it raises a question in my mind, “Why does male leadership terrify most women?”  Admit it or not, men’s whole spiritual and social DNA is coded to be the leader (read hunter, gatherer) of mankind.  This is no slight to women at all.  In fact, if most men would take the accurate role of leading in their prospective environments, most of the social problems we face today, I feel would be extinguished.  From the absent father syndrome, to the “love them and leave them” philosophy, men all over the world have been laying down on the job (no pun intended) and leaving it up to others to take the controls for life’s responsibilities they themselves’ should be fielding. 
Admit or not, men are under attack these days in almost every medium you can imagine, from the printed word, to the TV set, men these days are being viewed in one of two ways; inept fools, or harsh dictators thereby devaluing and diminishing the role they should serve in today’s society.  Why is that the case?

The harsh and abusive male “dictators” we see today are simply a moral failure from a lack of accurate understanding of what authentic and accurate manhood should really stand for, however this isn’t new.  Men having been falling prey to complacency and failure as far back as the first few pages of the Bible. 
Why is it that men fail not only themselves, but also others around them?  Easy, it’s the temptation of ego. Men like lambs, are led to the slaughter everyday when their egos are tempted.  Most women on the other hand, have been proven to be stronger mentally in regards to being tempted and seem impervious to such visual temptations. 

Breaking it Down:
 So how is man so easily tempted?  Out there in the outlying temptation lies a false promise of getting more than is intended for him to have at that time, and his fall is almost always based on greed rather than need.  Funny how we men are huh?  We always want more than we have, and we are almost never satisfied with what we have already, hence our tumble down the wayward steps of folly. 
The unfortunate thing for men is that we are still held accountable everyday whether we choose to do the noble thing to lead in our environments or shuck the responsibility and leave it to someone else.  Without proper order, there is complete chaos.

The Answer:
The long answer to my complicated question is this, and see if you agree: Women are terrified of male leadership because there is no security in a man that a woman can not trust.  Simple as that and you can boil it down to every situation.  If you get to the nucleus of the issue at hand, it is almost always because of that one thing.  People that want to be led need to know that their leader is someone they can trust.  Man or woman.  A great leader drives home the belief that in the course of his leadership, he can be trusted.   

So there you have it folks, a little side road form our usual spiel, but don't worry, we'll be back with the usual social observational mumbo jumbo before you can say "Kardashian!"

This holiday season, if you intend to find that “Special Love” make sure you understand the roles that you should take; lead, follow, or get off the bus! 

This week’s 5 most exciting NFL match ups!

Green Bay at Carolina- Can Cam Newton put up huge numbers again vs. the reigning world champs? Prediction: Green Bay

Chicago vs. New Orleans- Was the Chi-town victory a fluke? Prediction: New Orleans  

Arizona vs. Washington- The Cardinals got lucky last week, can they win #2 on the road?  Prediction: Arizona

Dallas vs. San Francisco- Can The ‘Boys bounce back from last week’s gift giving? Prediction: Dallas   

San Diego vs. New England- Last week the Bolts bounced Mcnabb out of the stadium, can they do it again to Brady and company? Prediction: New England

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