Sunday, September 4, 2011

Warning: These thoughts are real, unprovoked, and sincere. Can you handle it?

I was sitting in a wine bar the other day, and the interviewer was asking me what my new blog "Sober Thoughts" would be all about.  The first thing out of my mouth was to tell her that I wanted it to be free.  No sense in charging folks to listen to my rants and raves for a premium.  The next thing I told her was that everything I wrote these days, from the pieces I do for magazines to my upcoming book centered on our crazy world we live in, without prejudice to politics, social beliefs or any other interests that would slight my hand.  At one end, I absolutely promise to stay away from politics.  Ever since Obama hit the White House, the political agenda has opened up like a giant storm and has soaked the entire country with a call to arms in regards to choosing sides, left or right.  Just for the record? I am ambidextrous. Now, on the other end, I will talk about our social world.  With the wackiness that has hit our TV screens, movie theaters, and entertainment industry,  someone has to stand up and ask the question, "Is that normal?" So there you have it.  Sober thoughts.  We'll see how this train goes right? Feel free to drop a comment, ask a question, and I promise, I will get back to you! Until next time my pretties!

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